How to Move Prestashop Installation from Subdomain to Main Domain

Ever wander how to move your prestashop installation from Subdomain to main domain ? Is it hard to do? Nah, its very easy once you know about how to copy and paste files using hosting control panel or using ftp.

image from flickr - meatheadmovers

Here is how to move prestashop installation from subdomain to main domain :

  • Open you hosting control panel or you could use SSH or ftp (but i rather use control panel because using this control panel i could copy all files and folders and paste it again in two clicks).
  • Example your prestashop installation is on and you want to move it to, all you have to do is do to your /shop folder (usually in /public_html/shop).
  • Select all files and folders in the /shop folder, then you copy or cut it.
  • After you copy or cut all files and folder inside /shop folder, go to you hosting root folder (example public_html) and paste all the files and folder that you copy earlier.
  • After that, go to /config folder and open using code editor or text editor on your hosting control panel.

Find the following line :

define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/shop/');

and change it to

define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/');

Safe the files and your Finish. Login to your prestashop Back Office, under Performance tab, go to SEO link, fix your shop link if necessary.

 Dont forget to check the new site, by go to :D