What files you need to search when you want to comment the birthday option in prestashop ? The files are authentication.tpl and identity.tpl and the last one order-opc-new-account.tpl (if you are using one page checkout option).
<div class="form-group date-select"> <label>{l s='Date of Birth'}</label> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-4"> <select id="days" name="days" class="form-control"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$days item=day} <option value="{$day}" {if ($sl_day == $day)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$day} </option> {/foreach} </select> {* {l s='January'} {l s='February'} {l s='March'} {l s='April'} {l s='May'} {l s='June'} {l s='July'} {l s='August'} {l s='September'} {l s='October'} {l s='November'} {l s='December'} *} </div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <select id="months" name="months" class="form-control"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$months key=k item=month} <option value="{$k}" {if ($sl_month == $k)} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s=$month} </option> {/foreach} </select> </div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <select id="years" name="years" class="form-control"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$years item=year} <option value="{$year}" {if ($sl_year == $year)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$year} </option> {/foreach} </select> </div> </div> </div>
Look for above code, and you could remove it or give it a comment. To see if your changes are working dont forget go to the Preferences > Performance tab and change "Force compile" to "Yes", refresh your website, then change it back to "No"